Discovery & Strategy
Our Discovery begins with your purpose. In one recent collaboration, a high performing healthcare organization was contending with middling employee engagement after rapid growth, M&A, and the dizzying state of healthcare today. There was a gap between people’s individual sense of purpose and meaning in their work, and the organization’s overall purpose. Adding to the challenge, the C-Suite wondered if we could connect people to purpose—and to each other—in no more than one-to-three minutes a day. That’s about all the time people in healthcare have to take a breath.
So we created an experience strategy that connected people to purpose and to each other, that tied purpose to culture and brand, then engaged thousands of people with stories, videos, podcasts, and more. We turned their daily work into compelling content for everyone in the organization to see. Purpose was alive everywhere.
The question of purpose became Purpose Graffiti Walls at a hundred locations—like giant graffiti art—that encouraged 13,000 people to claim their individual purpose. Then team leaders used staff meetings to bring purpose into the daily work. Meanwhile, we were collectively knitting together the overarching purpose of the organization. And it was all experienced on an internal social platform that created engagement and connectedness. Using simple smart phone cameras, the ever-changing walls became connecting content for everyone in the organization. See for yourself in the photos below…