DiscoveryTrek® is an inward journey for you and your leadership team.
Reinvigorate Your Purpose
Your leadership purpose
In the great arc of leading a life and leading an organization, there are moments to journey inward as a leadership team. Especially amid the challenges we are facing today. DiscoveryTrek® is an opportunity to take a step back from the day-to-day demands and rediscover why — why this work is a calling for you. It is also an opportunity to check-in with each other because who you are and how you are evolving is as important as the why.
Your organization's purpose
Organizations are not surprisingly like people. There is something enduring about their purpose; however, the world has a way of shaping and re-shaping us all. DiscoveryTrek® moves from a leadership team’s personal and professional purpose to reinvigorating the organization’s purpose. We look back into the past and out into the future. We look inward and outward for how you are being called to change. And then capture the compelling journey ahead.
Inviting purpose and meaning
Is there alignment and true engagement within the organization? How might you be a beacon for the passion and purpose of every employee? DiscoveryTrek® imparts a kind of invitation to be a purpose-driven organization and teaches leaders how to become more intimate with their people — finding the connection between purpose and meaning, and the daily work.